So I decided to rebuild my website. Rebuild is probably not the right word, the site is simply a Jekyll blog. It does its job well but I want a little more than that. Its looks okay but it could use some work.

As of writing this post, the site looks like this: as of 2016 December

Before deciding on the functionality, it is best to list what purposes the website should fulfill.

Blogging. The website should serve my blog posts & allow me to add new posts very easily. Also it should preserve the current content.

Portfolio. The website should show my previous projects & designs. It should give a good idea about my experience and the type of work that I am capable of doing.

Showing Off. The website should look good and leave a good impression.

Exercise. I want to learn more about building websites. It should help me working alongside web & backend developers. Also it would be nice to be able to build a backend for an app. The website should provide me the opportunity to learn these.

On my next blog post, I’ll write about the functionality.